Paradise Road Dardanup 6236

Please call before coming to our yards as units may still be coming into stock.

Contact us on:
08 9358 1704
0417 925 919
Motor Vehicle Dealer License MD23423

New Attachments


The counter weight is an extremely useful piece of equipment to properly ballast your machine to maintain weight on the tractor’s rear axle. The counter-weight increases the stability for the tractor-loader unit. Connecting and disconnecting of the counter-weight is made very easily with help of the attached coupling axle, which has a bracket that prevents the weight from coming off during work.

3-point Linkage

This implement can be used like the tractor’s 3-point linkage to help move some implements around the farm. Available with either Euro or SMS hooks.

4 in 1 buckets

Agrizzi 3 PTL Carryalls

Agrizzi S Tyne Cultivators

Agrizzi Agricut

Agrizzi Single Tyne Rippers

Agrizzi Rotaslashers